A week ago, last Sunday... I was feeling a little bit (OK, a lot) overwhelmed with 30 vinyl orders to do last week! Then with our church youth girls Christmas activity last Wednesday... I woke up last Monday (2 DAYS BEFORE THE ACTIVITY) with a "BRILLIANT IDEA" to make each girl (there are 30 girls) a plaque that went along with the theme of our activity... "Christ is the Reason for the Season." Oh boy... 60 orders to do this week! :-/ (30 of which had to be done in 48 hours!)

One of the people who had placed orders with me was one of my girls, Katie from church... she offered to help me... and I said the biggest help would be to watch DJ while I cut, routered and sanded wood! Since she is home schooled... this fit perfectly into her schedule! YEAY! I was able to cut, sand, router 65 pieces of wood for various projects...

Tuesday, I painted & varnished them...

then attached a white tile to the black Christ plaques... while another friend from church watched DJ most of the that day. THANKS LADIES! :)

Come Tuesday night after the church women's Christmas Dinner... I finished the first Christ plaque... and hated it! :( Being 11pm at night, I was exhausted and went to be sad!

I woke up the next morning... WEDNESDAY, the day of our activity... still not liking the design I made, and said... SELF, the activity is tonight, you do NOT have time to re-cut 30 vinyl designs, re-paint the wood (because after ripping the tile off, there would be residue and we didn't paint under the tile because we were putting a TILE ON IT! ...simply no time!!! I proceeded to complete about 10 of them with hope that it would grow on me... I sent a picture of this to a few people... all being very nice and saying it looked nice... but none said they LOVED it... and I certainly knew I didn't LOVE it.

Thank heaven DJ slept in until 9am that morning... I quickly began ripping the tiles off all those blocks with a screw driver...

Re-painting (2 coats), re-varnishing, re-designing and cutting a new vinyl design... (times 30). I had the infamous Madi T come over after school that day, along with one of my leaders to help tie bows on them while I applied the vinyl... this might not be the most amazing design ever... but I liked it a LOT more than the first attempt! :)

And we got them done with a few hours to spare before the activity! YEAY!

I couldn't have done it with out your help Madi and Angela! THANK YOU! :)
Sometimes... simple is better!
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